Idiopathic Hypersomnia

IH is an uncommon disorder which causes severe sleepiness during the day, even when the quantity and quality of night-time sleep are normal.

For individuals with IH, it can be difficult to wake up in the morning and they may appear intoxicated upon doing so. Daytime naps may occur, however they are rarely found to be refreshing. Additionally, their extreme fatigue can remain unexplained and can be hazardous when driving or operating machinery.


What are the symptoms?

IH is typically seen in adolescence and has been reported to be long-lasting; however, there have been cases of remission. This disorder can lead to complications on various levels, such as jeopardizing educational achievement, diminishing career opportunities, or leading to unemployment. Furthermore, the drowsiness resulting from IH tends to interfere with one's personal life too: impairing the ability to carry out everyday activities correctly or experience memory and thought problems.


Some people with this IH also experience these problems:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Depression symptoms


Diagnose idiopathic hypersomnia

Self Test:

Do you experience extreme weariness even after sleeping a full 8 to 10 hours or more each night?

Has this been happening for over three months now?

Are your naps unrefreshing and not enough to make up for the lack of restful sleep at night?

If your answer is yes to all these questions, it's possible that you have IH. Remember, however, that only a certified sleep doctor can accurately diagnose the condition.



If you suspect that you may have IH, contact a sleep doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The doctor will ask about your medical, neurological, and sleep symptoms.
He or she will also inquire about medications, alcohol use, family history, and any other conditions that might be affecting your sleep patterns.

Upon examination of your Results from a polysomnography sleep study – which includes brain waves, heart rate, breathing patterns and muscle movement.

As well as Multiple Sleep Latency Test findings – monitoring how quickly you fall asleep during the day following a full night's rest.

Your doctor will be able to diagnose IH or recommend further testing to rule out other possible causes of your sleeping problems.

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